February 16, 2010

No Vonneguts, No Glory

PS: new website coming soon.
PPS: new t-shirts coming soon.
PPPS: your records should have arrived.
PPPPS: unless you forgot to buy one.
PPPPPS: in which case, go to the Vitriol Records webstore and buy one.


(Lest you judge by our record and song titles, that is, find yourself wondering if we ALL exclusively read looks-good-in-some-hipster's-back-pocket poser-fiction... be assured: a few of us read real books as well. It's just that the aforementioned Bal Frown gets to name things. Smooches. - The Rest of Dangers)


  1. still haven't got my record.. maybe today..

  2. I read the Cats Cradle and left the book in Peru for someone else to read.

  3. still havent gotten my album either. i think the post office done fucked up. but i downloaded it, and have listened to it constantly. the breakdown in under the affluence is my ringtone.


  4. all of them have been sent out a while now, check with your USPS person, sometimes those assholes hold things up for no reason, or double check your paypal address and make sure it is your proper one, i hate having to send things twice.

  5. someone pointed out to me the other day that i was carrying around "the dharma bums" in my back pocket and i just felt awful.

  6. I've just recently got into your music. It's a good time.

    Play a show in London/UK. Thanks.

  7. today i bought a 7" comp. entitled "Coastal Flooding..." it features some sweet guitar riffs on track 5

  8. "make love while you can. It's good for you."
    I love you.

  9. poser-fiction? shouldn't fiction stand on its own not by whom its being read by? Or any art form really. I mean technically wearing a dangers pullover or a punch t-shirt while riding a fix gear is a very common "hipster" activity. so should we then not listen to dangers in order to not be classified as poser or someone who exclusively listens to looks-good-in-some-hipster's-record collection-albums?

    If you like something, you like it, who gives a fuck if a "poser"(a term that in itself is an oxymoron) likes it.

    I might have misunderstood your guys' point, but I expected better from people who praise about how open-minded and anti-establishment/outside the norm they are.

    stoked on the Owen Hart shows.
