December 14, 2008

Wreckless Carbon Footprints

We have decided to come out of our impermeable candy-coated shell for a few more shows. They shall include most of the following: new songs, old songs, gratuitous shirtlessness, beautiful merchandise, beards, long winded-ness, (homo-/hetero-/bi-/trans-)sexual positive attitudes, Ghostlimb, Comadre, and Portraits of Past (a reunion show of sorts)! Here are further details circa proper chronology:

Saturday December 27, 2008
@The Smell (247 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012)
with: Portraits of Past, Drowning With Our Anchors, and Glaciers
9pm / $5

Friday January 2, 2009
@Chinatown Youth Center (901 "F" Street, Fresno, CA)
with: Comadre, Ghostlimb, and others

Saturday January 3, 2009
@The Hickey Underworld House (1166 Magnolia Avenue, Long Beach, CA)
with: Comadre, Ghostlimb, and others

Sunday January 4, 2009
@The Pharaoh's Den (579 University Avenue, Riverside, CA)
with: Comadre, Ghostlimb, and others

Spread the word to as many gentiles as you can (non-gentiles also welcome, begrudgingly). Speaking of which: recently bought The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. He made a "program" for the BBC called "The Root of Evil," of which the first part is viewable below.

We'd like to remind you to head to Hellfish to buy our merchandise.
Or RevHQ.

We'd also like to encourage you to invite us to your city to play. We will be gearing up for some touring after the new record comes out. We'd like especially to play in foreign towns like Frankfurt and Barcelona. And Melbourne. And Tokyo. If you can make that happen, let us know via email:

Obama is not the answer,

December 2, 2008

When Life Gives You Lemon Groves


Much more to say than will be said here. This one will be for efficiency's sake. To the point, DANGERS is being added to this show:

Saturday December 6th
@ Kings City Music
3592 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
6pm sharp / $5

We aren't on that flyer, but we are playing!!! Come hang out. Buy some sweet longsleeves. Lament the inefficiency of human beings with us.

Oh yeah, fuck these guys.
And that photo in the flyer comes from: Diane Arbus